Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Late Birthday to Kira!!

21 years ago on February 6th, my sister was born. I realize I'm late posting a birthday blog in her honour, get over it. Here she is. Kira Jo. My Awesome sister. Happy Late Birthday!!
So here are some reasons why Kira is awesome.
1. She LOVES to take care of people
2. She is an amazing mom
3. She's a people person
4. She's extremely talented and creative, especially with writing
5. She's funny
6. She's fun to hang out with
7. She's smart
8. She has good taste in music
9. She'll whoop your face in Mario Kart
10. She stands up for what she beleives
These are just a very very limited few things of the amazing Kira. Hope you all get to know her in one way or another. She's awesome.
Happy Late Birthday Kira!!

1 comment:

Hot Cookin' Mama said...

Haha, thanks Nephi!! I love cool lists about MEEE even though we both know you are way cooler ;)!!