Monday, November 3, 2008

Tim and Kira and Anna

Tim and Kira came up for Halloween to take Anna trick or treating. I love it when they come up to visit. Not only because of Anna, but because Tim and Kira are freaking awesome.

This is Anna being happy with flower.

Anna is a huge fan of music. I play something, and she does a sweet jig of sorts.
You can see Tim playing the X-box in his "Link" costume from "Hairspray"

Anna, quite the little poser. I just found this picture on my cameran and thought it was pretty sweet.

And here is Tim and Kira. Two awesome people.
Just look at them.........Awesome.

So. Haha. I'm not good at this. Sorry you have to read
all those words in such a scrunchy form. But I kind of
like it, so deal with it.

1 comment:

Neal and Angie said...

So fun! That Anna better remember Neal and me...Sure miss that girl! Glad you had a fun Halloween!